Auto Repair Source
Repair information and schedules, diagrams, parts and labor estimates, service alerts, and recalls. Covers thousands of domestic and imported vehicles.
Cromaine District Library
3688 N. Hartland Rd.
Hartland, MI 48353
United States
Repair information and schedules, diagrams, parts and labor estimates, service alerts, and recalls. Covers thousands of domestic and imported vehicles.
View unbiased product ratings and reviews from Consumer Reports, which puts around 4000 products through rigorous testing each year. Your Cromaine Library card number is required for access.
Thousands of award-winning art & craft video classes taught by recognized design experts and artists.
Subject areas include arts & crafts; games & electronics; models; needlework; outdoors & nature; and scrapbooking & paper craft.
Explore our selection of tools, games, sports equipment, and other useful items you can check out from the library!
Michigan's online electronic library provides full text articles and ebooks to Michigan residents.