About the Library Board of Trustees
The Library is governed by an elected seven-member Board of Trustees. The Board of Trustees meets on the third Thursday of each month at 7:00 pm in the Library’s Community Room, unless noted on the calendar.
Upcoming Meetings
Monthly meeting of the library's governing board.
Public is welcome to join in person at the Library.
Held on the 3rd Floor in the Community Room.
Monthly meeting of the library's governing board.
Public is welcome to join in person at the Library.
Held on the 3rd Floor in the Community Room.
Public Comment
The public is welcome to attend Library Board Meetings, public comment is scheduled at the beginning of the agenda. Policy #8004 Conduct of Library Board Meetings requires those wishing to speak to fill out a Call to the Public card provided before the meeting begins. The card will then be given to the Board President. People who turn in cards will be asked to speak first, and if additional time is available, the Board President may ask if anyone else wishes to speak.
The public participation portion of the meeting is limited to 15 minutes, but an exception may be made at the discretion of the Board President, if necessary so that no one’s right to address the board will be denied.
Each person will be allowed to speak for up to 3 minutes, except where the number of speakers exceeds the time limit. In those instances, the President of the Board of Trustees may either reduce the 3-minute limit to a 2-minute limit for each speaker or the Board of Trustees may waive the 15-minute time limit.
Each person wishing to address the Board of Trustees must identify himself or herself by name and address. If the person is representing an organization or group, the person shall indicate whether the comments or presentation represents the official view of the organization or group.
If a delegation is present to address the board, the delegation may select up to five spokespersons to speak on its behalf, for a total of not more than 5 minutes.
All written statements should be given to the Secretary of the Board of Trustees, so that copies may be made available to members of the board. All written statements and documents presented by an individual or group to the Board of Trustees during the meeting are considered public documents.
Individuals addressing the board should take into consideration the rules of common courtesy. The public participation portion of the meeting cannot be used to make personal attacks against a library board member or library employee, which are totally unrelated to the manner in which the member or employee performs his or her duties. If the comments constitute a complaint against a board member or employee, the member or employee about whom the complaint is registered, has the right to request an executive, closed session of the board and to be present at that session.
Board of Trustees members may question speakers, but are not obligated to answer questions or make statements or commitments in response to issues raised by the public. In general, such issues will be referred to the Library Director for investigation, study, and recommendation or designated as future agenda items for Board of Trustees’ consideration.
For further information, please call the library director at 810-632-5200 x105.
Board of Trustee Members
Holly Naylor
Nancy Rosso
Becky Basley
Jeannine Gogoleski
Board Meeting Documents
December 2024
January 2025
December 2024
July 2024 (cancelled)
October 2023 Strategic Planning
Meeting minutes are posted to this website after approval by the board at the following board meeting. The Library keeps copies of all meeting minutes in hard copy at the Library building, available upon request.